"The Red Door Church"
7th & Main
The word “Episcopal” means “Bishop” (leader), and is mentioned in Scripture. The Episcopal Church maintains a strong tie to the earliest traditions of the Christian community through our Bishops.
The Episcopal Church is the American part of the Anglican Communion, a worldwide body of Churches, all with roots in the Church of England….This is the Church from which Princess Diana was buried; it is the Church home of the spiritual writer CS Lewis.
The Episcopal Church is a Bible believing Church. Holy Scripture is the Word of God. It is the ultimate standard of Faith, containing all things necessary for Salvation. At Sunday worship, we read four passages from scripture. The sermon will be based upon these scripture readings.
At the Last Supper Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of me.” thus instituting Communion. At Trinity Parish we maintain the historic worship of Jesus and His disciples….Holy Communion.
The Episcopal Church holds the historic Creeds…Nicene and Apostles Creeds…to be the sufficient statements of Faith. Anglicans also see as essential the two Sacraments of Baptism and Communion. We believe what we pray. We invite you to worship with us at Trinity Church on Sundays at 10am to discover the riches of the Episcopal Church, and the warmth of our community.
What our members say about our parish
Trinity Church: The Church with the Red Doors….
Trinity Church: An Historic Church with a young heart….
Trinity Church: Ancient worship with a human face……
Trinity Church: A church built to last…….
The Community of Trinity: A place to start again…..
The Community of Trinity: A home in a difficult time……
The Community of Trinity: Where safety, acceptance, and love are found…….